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General Enrichment
in Personal Enrichment
The Business Plan
with LERN U Got Class

This is an online course. This class can be taken anytime, anywhere during the class dates specified.
Whether starting a business or growing the one you have, a business plan serves as a roadmap and can help secure needed funding. In this course, you evaluate the many aspects and potential hurdles of the business and build the Business Plan, one step at a time. This practical, hands-on approach encourages you to immerse yourself in the vision and planning aspects of your business. Focusing on the most critical components of the Business Plan enables you to uncover hidden risks and assess the business from a marketing, management, and financial vantage point.
For full details, see:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SCAE at
YouTube for Business
with LERN U Got Class

This is an online course. This class can be taken anytime, anywhere during the class dates specified.
Registration can be done up to a week after class starts.
Increase your business with YouTube, the online video site and now the second-largest search engine. Discover the power of video for your organization, and how to use video as a marketing tool to reach and serve more people. Find out what types of video work best on YouTube, how other business organizations are using YouTube, how to create your own YouTube channel, and the techniques of adding captions, annotations, and other extra features. YouTube can enhance your current marketing and communication strategy. After attending this course you will take back proven strategies and techniques for making YouTube work successfully for your organization. YouTube, as the second largest search engine can no longer be ignored by businesses and organizations. YouTube reaches a broad age and gender demographic and is the largest video search/discovery destination with over 35 hours of video being uploaded every minute. YouTube is now accessible from nearly every top mobile device as well as from your TV. How can your videos rise above the music mashups and cat antics? Learn how to get your YouTube video on the first page of Google Search. Just like Facebook, YouTube is a social network that needs to be set up, optimized, and used regularly to be effective. Your patterns of behavior on YouTube may be working against you. Learn how YouTube can complement your current marketing and social media strategy and how to maximize your YouTube Channel to get the greatest return.
For full details, see:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SCAE at
Knitting Basics 4p - 6p
with Victoria Vaughn

All levels of ability are welcome!
Ideal for beginning or "rusty" knitters. Casting on, ending a project, and repairing mistakes will be covered, as well as mastery of the basic knit and purl stitches, the foundation of all knitting.
Supplies needed:
Bring size 7 knitting needles, 1 light color Supersaver Red heart yarn (7 ounces), 1 small pair of scissors, and a tape measure. OR Bring a project that you are working on.
Can't make a full session? Student drop-ins are welcome!
Drop-In fee is $15 per class. You can register online or drop by the office to pay for the class drop-in.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SCAE at
Sourdough 101 and 102; Starting Starter and Making Sourdough
with Kayla Day

There are two days for this class, they are a week apart.
Sourdough 101; Starting the Starter; 5p - 5:30p
We're going to dive into the fascinating world of sourdough starters. A sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that captures wild yeast and bacteria from the environment, which ferments the mixture and makes it rise. This natural fermentation process not only gives sourdough its unique flavor but also makes the bread more digestible. Creating a sourdough starts is simple but requires patience and care as you nurture this living culture. Over the next few days, we'll feed our starter daily with fresh flour and water, watching it transform into a bubbly, active mixture ready to bake delicious sourdough bread.
Please bring a large bowl with cover. Other Materials Included.
Sourdough 102; Making Sourdough 4p - 7p
We're going to explore the art of making sourdough bread. Using your sourdough starter from the first class, we'll go through each step, from mixing and kneading to dough to shaping and baking it. Get read to enjoy the delicious aroma and test of freshly baked sourdough bread?
Materials Needed: Cookie Sheet, starter dough from week before.
Hammered Silver Jewelry
with Elizabeth Goody

Come create an original piece of hammered sterling silver jewelry. You will be able to make a pendant or earrings. There will be a variety of stones/beads and silver to choose from. Please bring any jewelry tools you may have.
The materials fee of $10 (CASH) is due at the beginning of class and is paid to the instructor. Additional materials may be purchased if needed.
Beth Goody
Knitting Basics 6p - 8p
with Victoria Vaughn

All levels of ability are welcome!
Ideal for beginning or "rusty" knitters. Casting on, ending a project, and repairing mistakes will be covered, as well as mastery of the basic knit and purl stitches, the foundation of all knitting.
Supplies needed:
Bring size 7 knitting needles, 1 light color Supersaver Red heart yarn (7 ounces), 1 small pair of scissors, and a tape measure. OR Bring a project that you are working on.
Can't make a full session? Student drop-ins are welcome!
Drop-In fee is $15 per class. Can either sign up online or stop by the office to pay for class drop-in.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SCAE at
Photography for Newbies
with Steve McGrath

This is an online course.
Are you still getting to know your digital camera and its features? Here's an opportunity to learn from an expert in this seminar for beginners! Have your camera ready and learn when and how to use its special features - such as program mode, manual mode, aperture priority and shutter priority. Also covered will be basic composition and best use of light for different situations, such as plant, people, macro, and landscape photography.
Steve McGrath
with Evelyn Nitzberg, SWA

One of the most popular art genres through time, portraiture, Rembrandt takes the lead with 100 self-portraits including 40 paintings, 31 etchings, and seven drawings. Of Frida Kahlo's 143 paintings, 55 of them were self-portraits. Van Gogh painted 30 portraits of himself. Within his 75-year career as an artist, Picasso also painted 30 portraits of himself.
Practice shading and the Element of Value, to create the illusion of depth. Apply that skill to practice drawing facial features: eyes, noses, mouths, and ears, and put them together to create a self-portrait.
Shape a plaster-gauze mold of your face as an acrylic sub-straight to create a dramatic wearable art piece.
Materials Fee: $25 (If you have not taken her classes before).
(If you have taken her class before, bring your supplies and your Materials Fee is $10)
Evelyn’s Credentials:
Award-Winning Society of Western Artists Signature Artist; Credentialed Art Educator; Credentialed Visual Arts Teacher; Chair Sanford Arts Commission; Supervisor Sanford Art Camps; Award Winning Painter; Kittery Art Association Gallery; @evelynnitzberg